Machines and devices can often do much more than we think. By looking at it in a different way, we discover unlimited possibilities, innovate processes and even create new business models. ICT Applied Solutions connects people, devices and data in an impactful way.

ICT Applied Solutions is a collaboration of the ICT Group labels Fourtress and OrangeNXT and combines connectivity, data intelligence and domain knowledge of technical and industrial automation to open up new worlds. The output of machines increases significantly without radically changing the machine itself. In this case, it is not only about large mechanical machines, but also about smaller equipment or a device that is used by consumers. All of them tap into untapped potential. This makes ICT Applied Solutions the competence center that makes 'emerging technologies' accessible to customers and therefore achieves results in many industries. Below an introduction in which they explain their working method, added value and impact to the market. 

High volume and high value

Machine builders and manufacturers often struggle with the question whether the machine still delivers what it is supposed to deliver and where it can be improved. From a mechanical point of view, there is usually little to be gained, but with the advent of IoT, AI and intelligent apps, we can take assets to a higher level. More efficiency, faster processes, lower costs, more effective management and new products are within reach. Whether it concerns high volume or high value machines, there is a great need for the next step to strengthen the market position.

Creating impact in various sectors

It starts with measuring is knowing. Collecting data is often already happening, but it is not enough on its own. We can only take the next steps if we translate data into knowledge that decision-makers and users can use to steer and make choices. Using data to digitize and innovate processes. Applied Solutions is the unit with knowledge of everything in, on and around the machines and can convert these insights into information. This is possible in many sectors, for example, they are active in all focus areas of ICT Group: High Tech, Automotive, Industry & Infra, Public Mobility and Logistics.

Applied Solutions horizontal

People, machines and data

The biggest gain is a new perspective on people, devices and data. Artificial Intelligence combined with IoT platforms and intelligent apps that extend far beyond dashboards. We analyze data flows, we identify disruptions and barriers, we generate insights, we advise, design and realize concrete solutions. Always from the triangle of people, devices and data. With extensive knowledge of firmware, applications, app development, IoT & cloud and AI, we offer end-to-end services that create new solutions and opportunities.

Long-term partnerships

At Applied Solutions, we believe that the greatest condition for success is that we put the customer first and act like the customer, we experience his problem as our problem. We ask questions such as 'what are we doing now and why?', 'what can we do differently?', 'what are the benefits?'. Customers want to innovate, want to improve, but often don't know how. We go for a long-term partnerships, we don't work for the customer but together with the customer. We add expertise, advise and think along in all areas. From idea to prototype to a fully functional, viable product.

What makes us stand out?

First of all, our innovative and creative mindset. We are good at 'making something out of nothing'. 1 + 1 = 3. Successfully complete projects by not being limited by conventions. Stepping outside your own field of expertise and joining forces that sometimes even seem contradictory. Linking the unprecedented potential of data to emerging technologies that already exist for IoT and AI. We know from our experience that customers, no matter how big they are, all work in a 'start-up way' when it comes to innovations. 

The machine is usually not the problem. The potential is often already there. It's the environment that doesn't recognize the potential. By thinking in terms of people, devices and data, we make customers aware of a new value chain. After that, we help them grow further and stay ahead of the curve. Look different, think different, act different. A future that runs on technology, driven by people.

What makes us special?

Innovative and creative

Our professionals act from the point of view of what is possible and what works and translate this into what it is now and what it should be. We create opportunities by focusing our expertise in all kinds of areas on that one question. We are not guided by limitations, but by knowledge, vision and creativity.

Broad domain knowledge

High Tech, Industry & Infra, Logistics, Automotive and Public Mobility. At ICT Group, we have been an industrial innovation leader in these sectors for many years and offer in-depth domain knowledge that we combine with our expertise in the field of digital innovation, OT and IT.

Multidisciplinary teams

By bringing people together from different disciplines, from customers, partners and our own experts, we create insights and strengths that result in valuable business impact.

Innovative and creative

Our professionals act from the point of view of what is possible and what works and translate this into what it is now and what it should be. We create opportunities by focusing our expertise in all kinds of areas on that one question. We are not guided by limitations, but by knowledge, vision and creativity.

Broad domain knowledge

High Tech, Industry & Infra, Logistics, Automotive and Public Mobility. At ICT Group, we have been an industrial innovation leader in these sectors for many years and offer in-depth domain knowledge that we combine with our expertise in the field of digital innovation, OT and IT.

Multidisciplinary teams

By bringing people together from different disciplines, from customers, partners and our own experts, we create insights and strengths that result in valuable business impact.

When to approach Applied Solutions?

The multidisciplinary teams of Applied Solutions can be deployed in a wide range of applications to digitize and innovate existing machines and processes in technical and industrial automation. Examples include:

  • More insights into the possibilities of your device or machine
  • Help building a connected service for an application
  • Developing applications based on data and IoT
  • Extract information from documents more effectively
  • Reduce time wasted on manual visual inspections
  • Provide better and faster insight via mobile apps
  • Turning data and insights into impact for customers' customers

Creating impact is what drives us. Digital innovation is where our heart lies.

More information?

Please contact our experts
Jan Willem Reuling

Jan-Willem Reuling

Business Unit Manager, ICT Applied Solutions
088 908 2000
John Koot - Sales and Marketing Director - OrangeNXT

John Koot

Sales and Marketing Director, ICT Applied Solutions
+31 (0)6 2708 7406