Today Microsoft Netherlands announced that out of thousands of partners OrangeNXT has been awarded the Country Partner of the year 2019 position. A true honor. OrangeNXT, a fast growing spin-off within the ICT Group, has one focus: to make customers successful by creating smart connections between people, devices and data.

Microsoft particularly stated that OrangeNXT differentiates itself with in-depth operational technology knowledge and expertise, combined with a profound understanding of the needs of each and every customer. OrangeNXT uses state-of-the-art solutions to support their customers in their digital transformation combining ICT Group’s expertise in every relevant domain – e.g. Operational Technology (OT), Industrial IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and mobile workforce automation. OrangeNXT offers Software as a service based on Microsoft Azure.

John Koot, Director Alliances: “We are extremely proud that Microsoft has chosen OrangeNXT as their country partner of the year 2019. Because of the great cooperation with our customers and the help of Microsoft to co-create, co-sell and co-market our innovative solutions we can help our customers digitally transform their enterprise. At OrangeNXT we strive for the best customer satisfaction and this award confirms that we are well underway”.