ICT Applied Solutions is a collaboration between Fourtress and OrangeNXT.

Applied software and cloud solutions 

As a domain expert we offer applied solutions in and around your machine. From low level embedded software to hardware management, all the way to deploying middleware applications and the development of mobile apps and ready-made IoT cloud solutions. Every dream or imagination, we can create it to a deliverable idea and through to a fully functional, viable product.

Infographic Applied Solutions

ICT Applied Solutions offers customer-oriented innovative solutions that are practically applicable and with our products conNXT, digitalNXT Vision and digitalNXT Search we turn insights into valuable business impact. We are proud of the trust our customers have in us and our products. Together, we make the world a little smarter.

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Please contact our experts
Jan Willem Reuling

Jan-Willem Reuling

Business Unit Manager, ICT Applied Solutions
088 908 2000
John Koot - Sales and Marketing Director - OrangeNXT

John Koot

Sales and Marketing Director, ICT Applied Solutions
+31 (0)6 2708 7406